Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Level of Protein needed.

Don't sacrifice your carbohydrates for a high protein diet, and think twice before "bulking up" those biceps with protein to look better at the gym. Your daily diet shouldn't contain more than 30% protein ideally, because an excess of it will do you more harm than good. So says Gail Butterfield, Ph.D., director of Nutrition Studies at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Protein riched food....

What is protein?
We know that we need protein but what is it? What are the best sources and how much do you need? Our bodies are made up of 75% protein so it is necessary to eat adequate amounts and especially important if you are building muscle.
Protein is made up of amino acids which are known as the building blocks of protein. There are about 20 different amino acids but there are 8 essential amino acids.

What is protein for and what does it do?
Simply put, protein aids the recovery and growth of the muscles after a workout at the gym.
Protein helps repair the "ripped" or "damaged" muscles allowing them to grow bigger and stronger in an attempt to cope with the next gym work out - once you increase the intensity or weight used in your workout you will be able to "rip" or "damage" your muscles again so the cycle restarts..but that's a whole new article!
Why does our body need protein?
Apart from athletes and body builders who need more protein for performance, we all need protein as it is in every part of our bodies, organs, cells, eyes, muscle hair, skin, nails, blood and tissue, and we need to replace it on a regular basis.

Dr. Butterfield says that excess protein in your diet may have harmful effects. If you increase protein without adding more calories and exercise to your daily life, instead of building muscle mass you will put your other body systems under undue stress. And eating more protein while increasing calorie intake -- but keeping at the same exercise levels -- builds an equal amount of additional fat and muscle. Meanwhile, a diet where protein is more than 30% of your calorie intake causes a buildup of toxic ketones. A "ketogenic" diet, or one high in ketones, pushes your kidneys to excessively flush themselves free of toxins. This can cause you to lose a significant amount of water, which puts you at serious risk of dehydration, especially if you exercise heavily during your workouts.

Highest Protein foods...

Such water loss will make it appear you're losing weight, when in actuality you're not. Plus you will be losing, not gaining, muscle mass and bone calcium from this ketogenic diet, while the stress of dehydration can also badly affect your heart. Dehydration from a ketogenic diet can make you dizzy and weak, give you bad breath, and lead to other health-related problems. This can be the result of a high-protein, low-carb "fad" diet – one that emphasizes proteins excessively.

Actual protein deficiency is a very rare condition and is confined usually to elderly women or persons with eating disorders. Protein deficiency is defined as eating 50-75% of the recommended daily amount of protein. You should consume 0.36 grams of protein for every pound of your normal body weight, according to the US recommended daily allowance -- or RDA -- guides. And protein should make up about 15% of your daily caloric intake, not go well over 30% of it.

Protein is absolutely required for your body's normal functioning, as it helps synthesize your enzymes and hormones. It maintains your fluid balance and the building of antibodies against infections. It also is the basic building block for your muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, hair and blood, and is essential for the formation of all of the cells in your body You should eat protein-rich foods such as meat, cheese, milk, fish and eggs to get enough protein in your daily diet. You can also find protein in soy products, as well as in combinations of food such as rice or corn with beans, when it comes to vegetable proteins that you may consume.

You should eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish and complex carbohydrates, not one heavy in protein alone. But protein is optimal for immune functioning, and you may need heavier amounts of it when injured or otherwise undergoing any serious healing processes

Proteins are made up of several different amino acids, some of which your body can make on its own. But some of them have to be ingested. These are called the "essential" amino acids. You must eat a variety of foods to make sure you're getting all of your essential amino acids. Lack of these can cause growth failure, loss of muscle mass, decreased immune system functioning, weakening of the circulatory and respiratory systems – and even death.

The most common source of protein in the American diet is meat, but milk and other dairy products are rich in it. To avoid too much fat with your protein, eat leaner cuts of meat, and cook without adding fat by baking, broiling, barbecuing or boiling your meat. By eating beans and lentils as well as a variety of vegetables and grains, you can add terrific sources of vegetable protein to your diet. Nuts and seeds are also great sources of non-animal protein.

The average adult American needs eight grams of protein each day per twenty pounds of normal body weight. Yet we generally eat twice that much protein daily. If you balance your carbohydrates with your proteins, and eat a variety of foods to make sure you get all of the amino acids you need, you will be eating a healthy diet. You should also make sure you keep your diet low in fats, oils and refined sugars. Those substances have no proteins, and hardly any other nutrients, with one gram containing nine calories of energy. You do need some saturated and unsaturated fats in your food, every day. Unfortunately, "junk food" laden American eating habits tend to provide far too much of these fats.

Your daily diet should contain no more than 30% total calories from fats, hopefully far less than that. The upper limit on the amount of fat in your diet will depend on how many calories you need to maintain your weight, and cutting back on fat can help you consume fewer calories. But some dietary fat is needed for good health. It supplies energy and the essential fatty acids, which like the essential amino acids can only be gleaned from your consumption of certain foods. Fats also promote absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol are linked to increased blood cholesterol and put you at risk for heart disease. Fat is also associated with protein-rich food such as meat and dairy products. So you should lower the daily amount of protein and fat that you consume to an acceptable level, while raising the amount of complex carbohydrates you consume to at least 50% of your daily calorie intake. This will ensure that you are eating a proper and not a "fad" -- or risky to your health – diet every day. Eating meals and snacks rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as well as some high protein and certain "fatty" foods, will help you to obtain your desired weight and to keep fit -- not fat.

 A list of high protein rich foods and their nutritional content.

Food (Per 100g) Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Almond Nuts 21.1g 6.9g 55.8g 2541kJ (614kcal)
Anchovies 14.5g 0.1g 2.8g 355kJ (85kcal)
Asparagus 2.9g 2.0g 0.6g 106kJ (25kcal)
Avocado 1.9g 1.9g 19.5g 790kJ (195kcal)
Bacon 15.9g
19.8g 1005kJ (245kcal)
Baked Beans 9.5g 22.1g 0.4g 130kcal
Bananas 1.2g 23.2g 0.3g 426kJ (100kcal)
Beef Fillet Steak 20.9g 0g 7.9g 648kJ (155kcal)
Bread (wholemeal) 11.0g 39.1g 2.2g 935kJ (220kcal)
Broccoli 4.2g 3.2g 0.2g 133kJ (31kcal)
Carrots 0.6g 7.9g 0.3g 156kJ (37kcal)
Cheese 30.9g 0.1g 15.0g 1085kJ (260kcal)
Chicken Breast (Skinless) 23.5g 0g 1.7g 462kJ (109kcal)
Coconut 3.33g 15.23g 33.49g 354
Cod fish 17.9g 0g 0.9g 340kJ (80kcal)
Cottage Cheese 12.2g 4.5g 1.5g 340kJ (80kcal)
Couscous 15.1g 73.1g 1.1g 1545kJ (365kcal)
Crab meat 18.1g trace 0.5g 330kJ (80kcal)
eggs 12.5g Trace 3.2g 627kJ (151kcal)
Goji Berries 12.3g 57.7g 0.3g 1205kJ (285kcal)
Haddock Fish 16.4g 0g 1.2g 325kJ (80kcal)
Hummus 7.4g 9.8g 26.8g 1285kJ (310kcal)
Lamb (Steak) 19.9g 0.8g 3.2g 475kJ (115kcal)
Lobster 26.41 3.12 1.94 143
Milk (Semi Skimmed) 3.6g 4.8g 1.8g 209kJ (50kcal)
Milk (Whole) 3.3g 4.7g 3.6g 268kJ (64kcal)
Monkfish 24g
Orange 1.1g 8.5g 0.1g 167kJ (39kcal)
Orange Roughy Fish 22.64g 0g 0.034g 105
Pasta 12.5g 73.0g 1.4g 1505kJ (355kcal)
Peanut Butter (Crunchy) 24.9g 10.1g 50.2g 2452kJ
Peas 5.9g 9.0g 0.9g 290kJ (70kcal)
Pizza (Pepperoni) 11.4g 28.0g 11.1g 1085kJ (260kcal)
Pork Chops 19.3g
20.3g 1080kJ (260kcal)
Porridge oats 11.0g 60g 8.0g 1500 kJ/ (356 kcal)
Potatoes 2.1g 17.2g 0.2g 335kJ (80kcal)
Prawns 17.0g 0.3g 0.9g 330kJ (80kcal)
Pumpkin Seeds 28.8g 15.2g 45.6g 2435kJ/586kcal
Rice (brown) 6.9g 74.0g 2.8g 1480kJ (350kcal)
Salmon Fish Fillets (Boneless) 21.6g 0g 14.0g 885kJ (215kcal)
Sardines (Fish) 21.5g trace 9.6g 721kJ (172kcal)
Sausages (pork) 13.9g 11.9g 17.0g 1069kJ
soya beans 35.9g 14.8g 18.6g 1555kJ (375kcal)
Spaghetti 5.1g 33.0g 1.3g 700kJ (165kcal)
Spinach 2.8g 1.5g 0.8g 103kJ (24kcal)
Sunflower Seeds 23.4g 18.6g 47.5g 2475kJ (600kcal)

Tilapia Fish 24g 0 4g 105
Tofu 12.1g 0.6g 6.0g 438/105
Tuna Fish (Steak) 25.6g 0g 0.5g 455kJ (110kcal)
Tuna Fish (Tinned) 26.3g 0.0g 10.7g 843kJ / 202kcal
Turkey Breast (Skinless) 22.3g 0g 1.2g 425kJ (100kcal)
Venison (Deer meat) 30.21
3.19 158
Yogurt 4.5g 6.6g 11.0g 600kJ (145kcal)

Have a Healthy Life!!!

Praise -The Development Ingredient

In working with businesses and organizations of all kinds, I hear the same concerns everyday:

How do we increase productivity?

How do we improve Customer service?

How do we keep people actively engaged in their work and with others on their team?

How do we reduce turnover?

How do we improve safety?

Even if you aren't thinking about or concerned about every one of those questions, I'm sure at least one of them has kept you up at night in the past.

As leaders we think about these things because they impact the success of the organization. As coaches we think about how to impact these things day-to-day, person-by-person.

As a coach, someone helping people improve their performance for the benefit of both the individual and the organization, there are typically two types of feedback that you could provide on their performance at anytime. Constructive feedback (sometimes called criticism) and positive feedback (which I will call praise). 

Forgetting the words for a minute, these two types of information are important to anyone trying to do anything better. We need to know what we aren't doing quite right, so we can adjust, and we need to know what we are doing well, so we can replicate that. Makes sense doesn't it?

Now, let's look at the words. I looked up criticism in my thesaurus and here is what I found:

1. censure, faultfinding, disapproval, condemnation, disparagement 2. a judgment, evaluation, appraisal, analysis, assessment, estimation, valuation, 2 b critique, review, commentary.

I also looked up the word praise, and found:

  1 acclaim, laud, applaud, pay tribute to, compliment, commend, eulogize, extol, honor, sing the praises of, pay homage to, endorse…"

Now, think about these two lists of synonyms. Granted, not all of them make sense in a business context, but ask yourself these questions:

· Which of these things have I received more of in my professional life?

· Which of them motivates and inspires me to strive for greater achievement and higher performance?

And now with your coach's hat on, think about these questions:

· Which of these things do I share more often?

· Which will help me most inspire and motivate others to reach their potential?

If you are like me and most everyone I've ever discussed this with, you have received more negative, "constructive" feedback than positive, encouraging feedback at work. And you believe that with more encouragement or praise you might have been more successful quicker.
The point in two words?

Praise matters.

Want some more proof?

According to a Gallup survey outlined in the book, How Full is Your Bucket? 61% of American workers received no praise at work last year. 61%! And the #1 reason people leave their jobs is because they feel unappreciated.

It is undeniably true. You can prove it from your personal experiences and from the hard data. Praise matters. And it is vastly underused as a coaching tool by most people most of the time.

As you finish reading this and walk away from your desk and begin interacting with people (whether you coach them or not), keep these things in mind:

· Everyone needs recognition and reassurance. Hopefully the exercise and the data above confirm this fact for you.

· Praise gives us pride in our jobs. Given a choice, would you rather have people who take pride in their work, or not?

· Praise generates enthusiasm and commitment. Committed people can work miracles, so it pays to build commitment.

· Praise builds loyalty. What are the real and hidden costs of employee turnover?

· Praise prevents people from feeling taken for granted. When people feel taken for granted they are less committed and loyal, aren't they?

· Praise motivates us to "go the extra mile." The extra mile is often where we find satisfied customers, higher returns and more.

· Praise improves our relationships. Would you like to have better relationships with those you lead, coach and work with?

· Praise takes hardly any time and costs nothing. There are few things in life that can produce such great returns for such a small investment.

Get that praise tool out of your toolbox. Dust it off and allow it to become shiny with use. It is an easy tool to use. It is a fun tool to use. You might even want to take it out of your mental toolbox and lay it on top of your desk so you remember to use it more often.

If you want answers to the questions at the beginning of this article, start with praise, because praise matters. 

Debt - Blessing or Curse???

If you want to enjoy your life out of spending, enjoy if you have you have your own resources and money.

But don't enjoy your life by becoming a debtor to somebody.

Of course in the modern world, there are many ways and means, which force you to become a debtor.

Attractive advertisements in the satellite TV force you to become a debtor. It tempts you to buy the modern amenities at any cost.

Even though if you don't have any money or resources it show you many resources for obtaining credit to buy that product. But you must think thousand times before becoming a debtor.

In today's world credit is the easily available commodity. Numerous companies are waiting to pull you in their trap. They are competing severely to pull you in their trap.

But you must be careful to entangle in that trap.

In spite of this caution if you are prepared to enjoy, then you won't get any pleasure, but you will lose your peace of mind.

Let us discuss about the common desire of everybody. It is natural that everybody wants to have their own house. It is a reasonable desire.

But the desire can be attained if you have enough money on your own to buy the house.

If you are an executive working in a company what will be your thinking?

You will ready to apply for some loan and buy that house. You have decided and applied for a loan also and the loan has also been sanctioned.

You will ask the engineer to construct the house with in the sanction of loan.

The Engineer on seeing the plan will say "Sir, you are constructing house once in your lifetime, why such a low budget house, we can increase slightly your plan sir, it won't cost much only a 10% increase in your normal budget" he will tempt you.

By that time you will also have some Himalayan courage, and think why we can't adjust that 10% increase, ok we can adjust that 10% increase by obtaining loan from our relatives, and you give consent to the engineer's suggestion.

The Engineer will begin to build your house. The house is also going to be completed soon and only some finishing work is there.

You ask your engineer 'when can I take possession of the house', sir?

The engineer will politely tell you, Sir, there is a small problem, the problem is there is a sudden increase in the cost of materials, so I fear whether it is possible to complete the building what we have already planned.

But you are in the dream that the house should be constructed at any cost. So you don't bother about the resource to complete the house and prepared to arrange for the money required for completing the house.

What you will do. The next thing before you will be some bank balances available out of your savings and the jewels of your wife or your children.

So your savings, jewels will all go from you and fill the cashbox of another businessmen.

Your house will become ready finally. On seeing the house raised beautifully you forgot all the sources where the money came from to complete the house.

You will forget about the loan you obtained from your company.

You will forget about the loan you obtained from your relatives.

You will forget about the erosion of your savings and jewels.

All these will come to your remembrance only when the company commences their recovery for the loan you obtained.

All these will come to your remembrance only when your relatives need the money they paid.

All these will come to your remembrance when you don't have enough money in your savings account for your urgent requirement.

Then your mind will think about the resource to fill up the deficit in the family budget, the loan to repay to your relatives and for your urgent requirement.

You will get easy resource to fill up this deficit, because you are working in a company, getting regular salary, higher salary. Companies are ready to give credit.

You are also ready to get credit from another company to fill up the deficit.

So you are ready to close the small debt pit, and begin to dig another debt pit, which is little more in size than the first pit.

The same deficit pressure mounts after some time. Again you are prepared to obtain loan from another company.

Now you dig another debt pit, which is more than the size of first and second debt pit.

Like this you will go on digging pit after closing the earlier pit to overcome your deficit.

Finally at one stage when you see the remaining pit, it will look like a deep pit, which you cannot fill it up from any source.

So the ultimate choice before you will be to dispose off the house and fill up the huge pit finally stands before you.

You have also made arrangements to dispose off the house.

One person came forward to buy the house. Even though the rate offered by him is not as expected by you, you have no other option except to get the money and fill it up the debt pit.

The house was finally sold off and you got the money. But while working out the amount you have to settle to your debtors, you need some more money.

However with the proceeds realized out of selling the house, you have settled most of the debt and still keep some portion of the debt.

You have lost all your savings, jewels, and other resources and still you have to settle more debts?

Where all of your money has gone?

It is no secret, most part of your debt were for the interest.

The interest made you to close one pit and dig another pit and finally you was let with a big pit with most part of the pit were for interest.

This is a common plight of most of the families especially in the middle class peoples.

The reason is due to their mental capability to enjoy all modern amenities without knowing their economic capability.

Enjoying the life is absolutely necessary but it should be from our own resources. We can enjoy the life but not on obtaining debt.

We have to increase our resources to enjoy the life. We should find out the opportunities to increase our resources and then think about enjoying the amenities.